According to dictionary, disability is a physical and/or mental conditions that may limit a person's movement, senses or activities. There is a legislation in Australia that makes it illegal to discriminate against those who are disabled. It is called the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. 

There are many accommodations an organization can do for their disabled staff members and customers. They can be providing modified equipment and devices, special work schedules and make the workplace more accessible for people with disabilities.

According to Job Accommodation Network, there are more than 50 types of disabilities from Addison's Disease to Wheelchair Use. I am going to list three common disabilities and how to accommodate them in the workplace.

- Back Impairments
The major symptom is back pain, localized or widespread. People with back impairments can be accommodated by allowing use of personal attendant at work, move workstation to regularly-visited facilities and allow them to have longer breaks.

- Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is the decrease in ability to hear that can happen at any time in life suddenly or gradually. There are many factors that can induce hearing loss in people, such as sports injury or blunt force trauma. Accommodations that can be made for employees with hearing loss are allowing visual signals, written communication instead of oral and hire a sign language interpreter. 

- Wheelchair Use
There are many reasons why people are using wheelchairs. From permanent nerve damage to arthritis. Accommodations to be made for wheelchair users are ramps and lifts for ease of access to building and workplace, adjustable desks and accessible toilets.


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